Big Data Høje-Taastrup-case-top

Using big data for energy savings

Reference: Høje-Taastrup Municipality

How we completed the assignment

As a part of the project ”Høje-Taastrup Going Green”, Viegand Maagøe was asked to create an overview of the data of the municipality of Høje-Taastrup. The aim of the project was as an example to make a plan of action to save energy in single family households. And this would be done using the data collected.

We collected and structured relevant data by using big data with the aim of potentially generating energy savings. We assessed 13 different data sources in 36 data tables. The structural approach for the data analysis was established at the very beginning of the project as to avoid any setbacks.

Viegand Maagøe has evaluated among other things:

  • Buildings
  • Supply districts
  • Energy and water usage
  • Thermography from the air
  • Property valuation and loans
  • Citizens and vehicles
Høje-Taastrup Kommune

Reference: Høje-Taastrup Municipality

Contract period: 2015


With the analysis, the municipality of Høje-Taastrup received an overview of accessible data, what the different types of data could be used for, and how to use them. And this has led to good energy savings.

The analysis revealed the potential of combining a number of data and thereby achieving new knowledge that can be used to save energy.

The municipality of Høje-Taastrup can for example use the data to find which households in the municipality that has oil burners as their source of heat and therefore bad energy labels.

Global Goals

The project contributes to the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development:

SDG 13 ’Climate action’
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.


Do you want to know more about the project and what we can do for you? Please, contact us.

Michael Reuss

Michael Reuss

Senior Adviser, Digital Concept Development

Mobil: +45 31 24 24 62