
Website creates circular businesses

Reference: The Danish Environmental Protection Agency

How do you help Danish businesses get started with circular economy? With a user friendly web solution.

Viegand Maagøe has developed the website Cirkulæ for the Danish EPA to help transform Danish business into a circular business. It is a one-stop-shop for SMEs who want to be part of the circular economy.

How we completed the assignment

Viegand Maagøe has developed a new site about circular economy for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with:

  • Digital tools
  • Cases
  • Blog section
  • Facts
  • Guide to funding

The site can help SMEs convert their economy to circular economy as well as inspire businesses who are already practising it.

Part of the task was developing the site based on an existing website ( To help users who use the new website, we improved the usability of its tools.

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency

Reference: The Danish Environmental Protection Agency

Contract period: 2017 - 2018


The new website is more user friendly and includes the most relevant tools and information from the original site.

”Start here”-entrance We have developed a ’Start here’ tool on the website as a first entrance to the site for the potential new circular businesses. It helps the individual business prioritise what is relevant to them.

The new blog section creates a dynamic site and highlights the different aspects of circular economy.

A map of Denmark shows businesses who have experience with circular economy so other SMEs can contact them for advice. New businesses can also get their own name on the map.

Altogether, the website is now a ”one-stop-shop” where SMEs can find information, motivation and inspiration for making themself a circular business.

Global Goals

The project contributes to the UN Global Goals:

SDG 12 “Responsible consumption and production”
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.


Do you want to know more about the project and what we can do for you? Please, contact us.

Marianne Hartz Thomas

Partner, Head of communication and change management, Journalist, MBA