Hund med Globe Buddy

Strategic Communication Process Sharpens Marketing of Dog Food

Reference: Globe Buddy

Globe Buddy is a small company aiming to communicate in a targeted and incisive manner about its products: Dog food designed with environmental and climate consideration. Viegand Maagøe assisted in creating a communication strategy and data collection.

About the task

Globe Buddy sells dog food and aims to minimize its production’s environmental footprint on the planet. The company’s products include food made from insect and plant protein, which co-owner Bjarne Gravesen Jensen wants to highlight in a credible manner in his communication to customers.

To get inspired and avoid pitfalls such as greenwashing and green hushing, he decided to develop a communication plan with Viegand Maagøe.

“It’s a complex field to navigate, and I knew that we, as a small business, should not be handling this entirely on our own. I wanted to ensure that we were completely clear on what is and isn’t allowed, and how we could specifically shape our communication in a credible way within the bounds of the law and ethical marketing practices,” he says.

Reference: Globe Buddy

Contract period: 2023

How we did it

Our communication advisor started with an analysis of Globe Buddy’s existing communication and business model.

The communication process centres around two workshops, where we work closely with the client to ensure the client fully embraces and owns the communication strategy.

The content is planned according to the client’s needs, and in the case of Globe Buddy, we dissected and defined the concept of sustainability in the first workshop. The relevance of the sustainability agenda was simultaneously linked to the company’s communication strategy.

In the second workshop, goals, success criteria, and a new communication strategy were processed, and the foundation for a new core narrative was established. This resulted in concrete recommendations for Globe Buddy’s communication efforts.

We neither want to greenwash nor greenhush, but one can easily end up in that situation if one doesn't have a firm grasp on the facts and data. Viegand Maagøe has helped us get everything in order.
Bjarne Gravesen Jensen
Globe Buddy

Comparison of CO2 emissions for dog food

Based on current industry standards, our sustainability team compared the CO2 emissions from Globe Buddy’s products with the emissions from standard dog food. The comparison was made based on data presented in a research article.

Globe Buddy Brown - comparison

Globe Buddy website

The Process

Globe Buddy process ENG

The result

After the course with Viegand Maagøe, Globe Buddy has sharpened its communication efforts, which is reflected in a series of updates to the company’s website, just as co-owner Bjarne Gravesen Jensen has actively used and presented his new knowledge at, among other places, fairs.

The insights that the company gained from comparing data from the research article, enable Globe Buddy to communicate its products’ advantages more effectively.

Bjarne Gravesen Jensen is convinced that this will position the company and strengthen its competitive position over the long term.

“I am confident that this will strengthen our bottom line over time. Because our customers do not only buy from us because it is quality dog food, but also because they want to be sure that we can back up our marketing claims. That’s why it is important to have control over the data and not promise more than we can deliver, and we have become sharper on that with this communication process,” he says.

We Delivered
  • Analysis of Globe Buddy’s communication
  • 2 tailor-made workshops on sharper communication
  • Communication plan with specific actions
  • Core narrative for Globe Buddy
  • Analysis of influencers
  • Analysis and comparison of ingredients in Globe Buddy’s products

Our services:

Sustainability Communication Product sustainability

Do you also need help with communication and CO2 calculations? Contact Ann Charlott.

Ann Charlott

Ann Charlott Nielsen

Projekt Manager, Cand.Ling.Merc