Viegand Maagøe opens Brussels office

With a new office in Brussels, Viegand Maagøe is moving even closer to important decision-making processes and the EU system. The first employee to take advantage of it is an expert in ecodesign and sustainable products.

On May 22, Viegand Maagøe opened an office in Brussels to get even closer to EU legislators.

With the new office, Viegand Maagøe will be better equipped to build networks and solve tasks for the EU institutions.

Mette Rames, Head of Sustainability at Viegand Maagøe, explains: “It is the EU that drives much of the work that companies today have to deal with when it comes to climate, environment and social conditions. A large number of our colleagues today already have a lot of experience working with and through the EU, but it is also there that it is important for us to stay sharp and follow the development. We can only do that by getting really close.”

Michael Scholand, a specialist in ecodesign and sustainable products, is the first Viegand Maagøe employee to be given an office space in Brussels, but more are expected to follow in 2024-25.

Boliganalysen comes in 3rd place at the Danish Digital Award

Boliganalysen Danish Digital Award 23

On Friday, we won the bronze medal for our work on the digital tool, Boliganalysen.

And we are really proud of it! We were nominated for Danish Digital Award in the category “Public Sector and Government – Tech Development.” The award was given based on the following justification:

“Boliganalysen is an intelligent and personalized digital tool for homeowners in Denmark, whereby the Danish Energy Agency has made carbon footprint reductions easy and practicable. Moreover, the platform encourages municipalities to create campaigns targeting local citizens, thereby increasing relevance and effectiveness.”

With Boliganalysen, it is possible for municipalities to create segmented communication all the way down to specific buildings using the platform’s sorting tool. After segmenting the target audience, they can send tailored messages regarding, for example, assistance when converting to a new heating system.

Boliganalysen is freely available to all Danish municipalities and is operated and developed by the Danish Energy Agency. The tool was developed in collaboration with Middelfart Kommune, Høje-Taastrup Kommune, Lolland Kommune, KL, Realdania, and Bolius. Viegand Maagøe has been responsible for the daily operations and development since the initial sketches.

The Danish municipalities have referred to Boliganalysen as the “weapon of mass reduction” because it is one of the best tools for reducing Denmark’s CO2 emissions. 40% of the country’s energy consumption is used for heating buildings, and the majority of our energy consumption comes from fossil fuels. We can do better.

The Danish Digital Award aims to reward and showcase the most inspiring, effective, and well-executed digital work that develops or supports a company’s or organization’s business activities. We have been working on Boliganalysen since 2018 and are proud to see our efforts being recognized.

Pernille Yding Fredslund has been the project leader for Boliganalysen since 2022 when she joined Viegand Maagøe as the Head of Digital.

“It is a project that is very close to my heart because it actually makes a difference for the employees of the municipalities working with climate activities. With this platform, we have made their daily work easier. And the Danish citizens will receive tailored information on saving energy.'”

Watch the case video of Boliganalysen

Viegand Maagøe a finalist in EY Entrepreneur of the Year (DK)

Lately, our work with climate change mitigation has been getting more attention. The green transition is and should be at the top of the world’s agenda, and this year we mad the finals for the EY Entrepreneur of the Year in Sustainability.

Even though we did not win, we are proud to have been selected – especially because EY recognizes not just growth but entrepreneurship that creates long term value with a positive impact on the world. This is in sync with our ambition to continue our focus on advising about sustainability and ESG.

Some of our latest and most noteworthy projects are Klimaklar SMV, preparing the Confederation of Danish Industry’s annual summit, and working with the electrification of the food industry. This increased attention has resulted in the rapid growth of our company; just this year, we have welcomed more than 35 new colleagues.

What is EY Entrepreneur of the Year?

EY describes the award as

a unique global programme that recognises entrepreneurial achievement among individuals and companies that demonstrate vision, leadership and success — and work to improve the quality of life in their communities, countries and around the world.

Integral to the award is the focus on more than just the financial bottom line, as the entrepreneur’s actions are assessed as well. Internal values, visionary management, and social engagement are all part of the evaluation.

The award show for 2022 took place on November 24th in Copenhagen.